exe valley federation

Exe Valley

Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class! We are Year 3 and 4.

Our teachers are Mrs Parkes and Mr Nichols. Mr Wooly supports us in class too.

In Oak Class we are enthusiastic about our learning and our aim is for everyone to not just participate in, but to contribute to, a lesson. We enjoy learning about new concepts and developing our understanding of those we know, and are very keen to demonstrate our successes. We are eager to take up challenges that let us show our understanding in new ways. We are equally at home working alone, in pairs or in small groups and are becoming good communicators who can clearly express our thinking on a subject. We are an inventive class and can express our learning in written form, verbally and artistically; we never miss an opportunity to be creative! 

Here is our classroom:


We really enjoyed mixing with the other EVF schools at the recent cricket festival.

Each half term we have a new topic, with either a history or geography driver. We try to develop the knowledge needed to answer a big question each half term. Have a look at our rolling programme. Further information, including our subject overviews and learning maps, can be found under the Curriculum tab.

LKS2 Rolling Programme

What effect do natural disasters have?

How is land used in Devon?

The first topic of the year is all about how land is used in Devon. 

Land Use Learning Map Land Use Home Learning

Where do puddles go?

Our topic for the Summer term is 'What a State!'

What a State Learning Map What a State Home Learning

What did the Romans do for us?

Our topic in Spring 2 had a history focus as we asked the question 'What did the Romans do for us?' We kick-started our topic with a fantastic trip to the Royal Albert Memorial Museum finding out about Roman Exeter. 

Romans Learning Map Romans Home Learning

Romans Cover Page Forces and Magnets Cover Page

Good Friday Cover Page Animation Cover Page

Could I travel the world in 80 days?

We started 2023 with a geography topic, as we travel 'All Around the World'. We took a closer look at where the countries of the world are located. We learned to locate and describe places using longitude and latitude, and found out about some of the important lines that delineate specific areas of the Earth.

All Around the World Learning Map All Around the World Home Learning

All Around the World Cover Page Scientists and Inventors Cover Page

Hinduism Cover Page Audio Cover Page

 Would you rather be an Athenian or a Spartan?

Last half term we are asking 'Would you rather be an Athenian or a Spartan?' as we find out about life in Ancient Greece. 

Children will gain an understanding of where and when some key events during the ancient Greek period took place.  They will explore what is meant by the terms ‘trade’, ‘civilisation’ and ‘empire’ and explore how Alexander the Great grew an empire resulting in the Greek civilisation spreading more widely. When learning about daily life in ancient Greece, children will explore what life was like for different people who were enslaved during ancient Greek times.

Ancient Greece Learning Map Ancient Greece Knowledge Organiser

Ancient Greece Home Learning Ancient Greece Cover Page

Sound Cover Page Alarms Cover Page

What's it like in the rainforest?

Our first topic this year was 'Under the Canopy', a geography-focused unit exploring the world's rainforests.

During this unit children learnt where rainforests are in the world and then learnt about their climates. Children investigated the different layers of the rainforest and learnt all about the Amazon. At the end of the unit we thought about some of the challenges and possible dangers to rainforests and how we can help to protect them.

Under the Canopy Learning Map Under the Canopy Knowledge Organiser

Under the Canopy Home Learning Under the Canopy Cover Page


WW2 Home Learning WW2 Learning Map

There is lots of information about how to support your child's learning on the 'how to help your child at home' page under 'home schooling'. CLICK HERE