exe valley federation

Exe Valley

Ash Class

Welcome to Ash Class! We are Year 1 and Year 2.

Our teachers are Mrs Woolacott and Mrs Heatherhsaw on a Friday. We are supported by Mrs Skinner, Mrs Moon and Miss Williams. We are a positive, friendly and hardworking group of children who love to learn! We are working on developing a growth mindset and know that we can achieve anything we set our mind to!




We are very lucky to have undercover outdoor provision. This helps us bridge the gap from continuous provision in EYFS to more structured learning in Y2. 


Here is our classroom:



Each term we explore a new topic, with a geography or history driver. We aim to find the information needed to answer our big question. We make links between all subjects where we can. In Ash, we believe that learning should be engaging, exciting and focused! We really immerse ourselves in our topics; creating, finding and exploring as well as independently searching and discovering answers for questions that we find interesting. We believe in collaborative conversations linked to learning, sharing ideas and debating different concepts and views. This allows us to have greater responsibility and power in taking control of our own learning and we find this method rewarding and beneficial! Have a look at our rolling programme. More detail, including key learning, subject overviews and curriculum statements, can be found under the Curriculum tab.

KS1 Rolling Programme

Reading is REALLY important in Ash Class. We have daily phonics (Y1) sessions, following the Little Wandle systematic synthetic phonics programme. We also read in small group 3 times a week, developing our fluency, prosody and comprehension. Each week we visit the school library and choose a new 'reading for pleasure' book. The librarians help us vary our reading diet.  

Phonics Programme Overview

What's it like to party in Rio?

Why do I like to be beside the seaside?

Our topic for Summer term is 'Seasides'. 

Seaside Learning Map Seaside Home Learning

We had a super trip to Exmouth Beach. First we had a tour of the RNLI station, before heading to the beach to learn about water safety from the lifeguards. After lunch it was time for a spot of paddling, rockpooling and sandcastle building. 

We made fruity ice lollies in DT as part of our unit on seaside snacks!


 Who lives in a castle like this?

Our topic for Spring 2 is 'Kings and Queens'. The children will find out about the role of a monarch, focusing in particular on Richard III, Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria.

Kings and Queens Learning Map Kings and Queens Home Learning

Kings and Queens Cover Page Seasonal Changes Cover Page

Castles Cover Page Judaism Cover Page Timbre Cover Page

How has Cheriton Fitzpaine changed?

We started 2023 with a geography topic called 'Street Detectives!' We discovered more about their locality beyond the school gate. We explored our local area using first hand observation to enhance our locational awareness along with developing essential map and fieldwork skills.

Street Detectives Learning Map Street Detectives Home Learning

Our Local area: Street Detectives Cover Page Living Things Cover Page

 Pictograms Cover Page What is God like? Cover Page

Who would you give a medal to and why?

Last half term our topic had a history driver, and was called 'War and Remembrance!' During this unit children learnt about this significant event in British and global history: the First World War and Remembrance Day. The children also found out about Walter Tull, a significant individual in British history who was the first black British Army officer. Children explored the experiences of soldiers in the trenches, the animals who helped them and the importance of women's roles on the Home Front.

War and Remembrance Learning Map War and Remembrance Pick and Mix Home Learning

War and Remembrance Cover Page Everyday Materials Cover Page

 Where can you go on safari and what will you see?

Our first topic had a geography driver, and was called 'Sensational Safaris!' 

This topic focused on the geography of Kenya through focusing on the main human and physical features of the country. Children learnt about the key geographical features of the country including Kenyan wildlife, landscapes and culture. 

We enjoyed visiting the zoo and seeing some of these animals!

Sensational Safaris Learning Map Sensational Safaris Knowledge Organiser

Sensational Safaris Pick and Mix Home Learning Sensational Safaris Cover Page Animals Cover Page

What is it like to celebrate around the world?





Which toys did my grandparents play with?


There is lots of information about how to support your child's learning on the 'how to help your child at home' page under 'home schooling'. CLICK HERE