exe valley federation

Exe Valley


 Welcome to the Governor’s pages for the Exe Valley Federation

My name is Jackie Enright, and I am the current Chair of Governors. 

The Exe Valley Federation Board of Governors represents seven schools, Brampford Speke, Cheriton Fitzpaine, Newton St Cyres, Sandford, Silverton, Thorverton, and Whimple. 

We meet as a whole board three times a year.  To enable governors to maintain strong links with staff and children, we have set up two local hub home school teams meeting termly alternating with the full governing board meetings: 

   The East Hub - Brampford Speke, Silverton, Thorverton and Whimple.  

   The West Hub - Cheriton Fitzpaine, Newton St Cyres and Sandford.  

Our Federation Development Plan [FDP] is written and linked to our 5-year Strategic Development Plan.  Each school has their own school development plan, which governors’ monitor termly at their Hub meetings. 

 Our Governing Boards core functions: 

 - Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.  

 - Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the federation       and its pupils and the performance management of staff.   

 - Overseeing the financial performance of the federation and making sure its money is            well  spent. 

Our Governing Board is made up of 15 governors –  

 One Executive Headteacher 

Two Parent Governors 

One Staff Governor 

One Local Authority Governor 

Three Foundation Governors, one of which is the Ex-Officio 

Seven Co-opted Governors   

How You Can Contact the Board of Governors 

We always welcome feedback, suggestions and ideas from parents: Please contact the Chair of Governors, via your school office. 

Jackie Enright 
Exe Valley Federation 

 Governor Impact Statement 2023/24