exe valley federation

Exe Valley

School Meals

We are fortunate in having a school kitchen on the premises where meals are freshly prepared for the children.  School meals are available at £2.50 per day, payable on Mondays in advance.  It greatly assists the school if meals are paid for on a half termly basis. Payment can be made by cheque (payable to Devon County Council), online at https://login.schoolgateway.com/0/auth/login or cash. Packed lunches may be brought to school and eaten under supervision in the hall.  Drinks should be brought in screw top plastic containers - no glass bottles please.  Alternatively, children may go home for lunch, they need to be collected at 12.15 and returned by 1.15. Sweets and crisps should not be brought to school but children may bring healthy snacks for playtime, e.g. fresh fruit.

The Government introduced Universal Infant Free School Meals for all Key Stage 1 pupils from September 2014. All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in state-funded schools in England are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals. 

Families on Income Support, Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or in receipt of Child Tax Credit (not Working Tax Credit). Depending on their income, may be entitled to free meals. Full information can be found at https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/school-information/school-meals It is advantageous to register for free school meals even if these are not taken on a regular basis as other related benefits may then become available. 

If your child has a special dietary requirement, please complete the Special Diet Form below and return to the school office together with a letter from a medical professional confirming the allergies or food intolerances you child may have

Menu from 4 November 2024

Allergen Matrix from 4 November 2024

Menu from 15 April 2024

Allergen Matrix from 30 October 2023


Gluten Free Disclaimer

 Special Diet Form